• Yevhen Kovalenko Sumy State University
  • Oleksii Havrylenko Sumy State University
Keywords: energy security, search queries, energy consumption, Google search system, alternative energy sources


The article is devoted to the analysis of the dynamics of changes in society's interest in energy security issues. The information base of the study is the number of searches by users of the Google search engine within the scope of three groups of keywords (related to the country's energy development; characterizing the transition of the energy system to alternative energy sources; identifying individual sources of energy), which are most closely related to the problems energy consumption, the study period is the periods from January 1, 2004 to September 25, 2015 (before the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals) and from September 26, 2015 to August 1, 2023. The analysis of the trend of the change in the number of search queries by users of the Google search engine in terms of keywords related to the development of green energy showed that queries for the terms "alternative energy sources" and "non-traditional energy sources" in Ukraine are made exclusively in the Ukrainian language, while requests for the terms "renewable energy" and "green energy" are predominantly made in English. The term "energy market" is characterized by the lowest level of interest on the part of users of the Google search engine. Based on the results of the analysis of trends in the dynamics of search queries in terms of both traditional and alternative energy sources (sun, wind, water energy), it was concluded that the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals contributed to a significant increase in the number of search queries. The most active users of the Google search engine in Ukraine are researching issues of nuclear safety and the use of alternative energy sources (wind, solar, and hydropower). Based on the determination of peaks in the search activity of Google users in Ukraine, it is proved that a significant part of the search activity falls on 2004-2005, after which there is a decrease in interest in energy security issues. Before the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals, the least popular concepts were "solar energy", "hydro energy", "wind energy", "non-traditional energy sources" and "green energy". After the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals, the concepts of "alternative energy sources", "non-traditional energy sources", "green energy", "energy crisis", "coal energy", "gas energy", "solar energy" became the most popular.


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Luty L., Zioło M., Knapik W., Bąk I., Kukuła K. (2023). Energy Security in Light of Sustainable Development Goals. Energies, vol. 16, pp. 1390. DOI:

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How to Cite
Kovalenko, Y., & Havrylenko, O. (2023). SEARCH VISUALIZATION ON ENERGY SECURITY ISSUES: GOOGLE TRENDS TOOLKIT. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (8 (08), 154-160.