• Oleksii Zoria Poltava State AgrarianUniversity
  • Ilona Yasnolob Poltava State AgrarianUniversity
  • Dmytro Aranchiy Poltava State AgrarianUniversity
Keywords: investment policy, management, development, strategy, principles, methods, system, external environment, efficiency


In the article, the development and substantiation of the theoretical-methodological and scientific-methodical foundations of the formation of the enterprise's investment policy in the conditions of the transformation of the external environment is carried out. Methods and tools for investment policy formation at the micro- and macro-level have been developed. It is established that the investment policy can be presented as an integral part of the higher-level system, or as a general system with its own internal structure. It is noted that investment policy should be perceived as a form of economic policy that includes control and regulation of all aspects of the investment process: the structure of investment funds, efficiency, their size and sources. Given the versatile and multifaceted nature of investment policy, there is currently no single approach to the classification of its types, however, as a rule, scientists distinguish economic and intellectual types. The economic type of investment policy usually involves the investment of the enterprise in various market segments and new niches, which allows to implement the strategy of external growth as a result, as well as to direct part of the funds to various assets to realize the goals of sustainable development. The intellectual investment policy is aimed at investing in intellectual property (patents, inventions, know-how, trademarks, etc.). According to the criterion of the investor's risk preferences, three types of the company's investment policy are considered: aggressive, moderate, conservative. The article proposes to introduce a new type of investment policy - accelerated-aggressive, which is a comprehensive modernization of the enterprise. The work states that the specific content of the enterprise's investment policy is determined by the influence of external and internal environmental factors, specific features of production and management. As elements of the enterprise’s investment policy management system, the following are highlighted: principles subjecting the formation and implementation of the investment policy to certain rules; methods that allow these processes to be carried out; management structure reflecting the distribution of powers and responsibilities by management level.


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How to Cite
Zoria, O., Yasnolob, I., & Aranchiy, D. (2023). THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE FORMATION OF THE INVESTMENT POLICY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (8 (08), 89-93.