The article presents the opportunities for the development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine in the European integration processes, in particular with the aim of improving the state of food security and achieving the goals of sustainable development, because they cover the key factors that stimulate the development of agriculture, in particular through investment and innovation activity in various branches of the agrarian sphere. An analysis of Ukraine's food security assessments based on indicators of food physical availability was carried out, the country's place in the overall rating of the Global Food Security Index was determined, physical availability indicators were compared with the average values of European countries and the average value of all 113 studied countries of the world. Negative aspects in the assessment of the state of food security of the country related to the development of supply chain infrastructure, political and social barriers to access, in particular the risks of armed conflict and the spread of corruption, are identified and ways of their leveling are proposed. According to the results of the conducted research, the state of food security in Ukraine, which is at a low level, and the improvement of its indicators are noteworthy - as individual branches of activity can be affected by European integration processes, since they encourage the country to reform, increase production, modernize infrastructure, develop rural areas, fight against corruption and increasing the investment attractiveness of the agricultural sector to attract investments. As a result of these changes, Ukraine can consider European integration as an opportunity to improve the state of food security and achieve the Global Goals of Sustainable Development. It was established that there is a need to stabilize the political situation, improve public-private partnership in seaports, railway stations, highways and airports, bring the regulatory framework of the railway industry in line with European standards, develop highways and increase traffic safety, develop seaports and inland water transport.
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