• Svitlana Yehorycheva National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»
  • Tetiana Hudz Poltava University of Economics and Trade
Keywords: household, financial and economic security, components of security, evaluation, integral indicator


The purpose of the study is to substantiate the content of the financial and economic security of households and to assess its level in Ukraine. In today’s crisis conditions, security issues are becoming particularly relevant at all levels of the economic system. Ensuring the financial and economic security of households turns into one of the most important tasks of the state and a guarantee of its stable progressive development. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, the article substantiates the feasibility of using the term financial and economic security of households and provides its author’s definition from the position of a defensive approach. The components of financial and economic security of households are highlighted – financial, social, property, food, informational ones, their content is characterized and indicators reflecting their state are proposed. A scientific and methodological approach to assessing the level of financial and economic security of households based on an integral indicator has been developed. Its calculation is based on: determining the reference values of each indicator for the period of analysis, calculation of standardized indicator values, formation of intermediate indicators of financial and economic security for each of its components based on the geometric mean formula, use of the weighted arithmetic mean formula for aggregation of intermediate indicators. The weighting factors for the calculation were determined by experts: financial security – 0.26; social one – 0.16; property one – 0.19; food one – 0.28; informational one - 0.11. The resulting indicator takes on values from 0 to 1, and as it grows, the level of household’s security increases. The assessment of the level of financial and economic security of households in Ukraine for the years 2010-2021 show that, in general, it is increasing, however, its individual components demonstrate other trends: the level of food security practically does not change, and the level of social security has significantly decreased in recent years, which is explained by the complication of the households’ functioning in the pandemic conditions.


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How to Cite
Yehorycheva, S., & Hudz, T. (2023). FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SECURITY OF HOUSEHOLDS IN UKRAINE AND APPROACHES TO ITS ASSESSMENT. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (8 (08), 117-124.