• Vasyl Hoichuk Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Nadiya Lyubomudrova Lviv Polytechnic National University
Keywords: Human capital, Artificial intelligence, Digitalization, Personnel management, Development


Purpose - The purpose of the article is to study the terms "human capital", "artificial intelligence", research and define the components and methods of applying artificial intelligence, how to introduce artificial intelligence technologies for the development of human capital of organizations, to determine what consequences the use of artificial intelligence will have for the development of human capital , identify possible risks for the organization when implementing artificial intelligence technologies. Design/methodology/approach – The following methods were used to study the value-oriented factors in the formation of human capital of the organization and artificial intelligence technologies in modern conditions: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, systematization and graphic methods of data display. Conclusions - In recent years, there has been a rapid digitalization of many spheres of social life, which undoubtedly has an impact on both the economic situation and the person. From our research, we found that the use of artificial intelligence technologies for the development of the human capital of organizations has a positive character and contributes to economic growth. Artificial intelligence technologies are characterized by their diversity and are already beginning to be used in the market of Ukraine. Digitization of personnel management processes with the help of artificial intelligence contributes to the automation of management processes, facilitation of personnel selection, quality training, development, career advancement and systematic analysis of personnel skills. Artificial intelligence facilitates routine work and helps save time, for its high-quality and productive use. Practical implications - Prospects for further research are the assessment and return on investment in artificial intelligence technology for the development of human capital. There is also a need for a separate study of artificial intelligence technology, an analysis of which type of activity this technology is more favorable for, its impact on a certain type of activity and staff productivity. Also, methods of training and development of personnel with the help of artificial intelligence, mechanisms of maintaining human capital by organizations need further research. Originality/value – Recent years have been a period of challenges and changes for global business. Most companies and organizations were forced to switch to a remote type of work, which significantly accelerated the digitization of business. Instead, these innovative processes showed the importance of human capital in forming a positive economy and increasing the competitiveness of organizations. However, with the increase in the role of human capital in the growth of business, the need for its qualitative development, accordingly, in the change in the processes of personnel management and its talents, has grown. Due to modern innovative development, there is an increasing need to use modern digital technologies in the management processes of organizations, in particular, the introduction of artificial intelligence tools. Such rapid changes will bring with them both positive changes and present organizations with a number of challenges that require solutions.


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How to Cite
Hoichuk, V., & Lyubomudrova, N. (2023). APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN CAPITAL OF THE ORGANIZATION. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (8 (08), 67-73.