Infrastructure plays a critical role in rebuilding communities after war. Innovation-based infrastructure contributes to social, economic and environmental goals. It can increase the availability and efficiency of services, improve the infrastructure for sustainable management, and contribute to the preservation of natural resources. Innovation in the field of community infrastructure opens up opportunities for the development of new sectors and entrepreneurship, which helps create jobs and improve the quality of life of the population. Thus, the development of community infrastructure on an innovative basis is an important component for the sustainable future of local communities. The purpose of the study is to determine the strategic aspects of the post-war reconstruction of community infrastructure. The study determined that the concept of "Build Back Better" can be an important approach in the process of rebuilding Ukraine. This approach involves not only repairing the damage, but also improving and strengthening the infrastructure and society as a whole, taking into account possible future crises and threats. It is justified that "sustainable infrastructure" refers to infrastructure that has undergone modernization or changes and has become more sustainable, efficient or modern. This can be the result of investments, reforms, technological development or any other changes aimed at improving the infrastructure. It was determined that the analysis of infrastructure security in the context of the "Build Back Better" approach means not only the restoration of infrastructure after a crisis, but also the increase of its stability and resistance to future threats and risks. This approach takes into account not only current needs and damage recovery, but also the development and implementation of measures aimed at preventing future crises and ensuring infrastructure security in the long term. "Build Back Better" involves raising safety standards and taking into account risks in the planning and construction of infrastructure facilities in order to reduce the possibility of harm due to future crisis situations. The features of infrastructure security in the era of the digital economy are analyzed. It was determined that the involvement of the community in the process of infrastructure restoration is a key element of successful and sustainable development.
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