• Lesya Yastrubetska Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Keywords: financial security of business entities, hybrid financial conflicts, financial, socio-psychological, metaphorical approaches, conceptual model «Equilibrium wheel of business entities in hybrid financial conflicts», martial law


The article substantiates the need to strengthen the financial security of business entities in Ukraine in the difficult conditions of hybrid aggression and full-scale Russian invasion. The author emphasized that the methodology of scientific research on the problems of financial security of business entities in the conditions of hybrid financial conflicts involves the development of conceptual and methodological tools for the analysis and forecasting of the level of their financial security. This will make it possible not only to determine the current state of financial security, but also to identify real and potential threats in a timely manner and take appropriate measures to counter their destructive impact. The article argues that the methodology for assessing the financial security of business units is complex and complex, depends on the purpose and tasks of the assessment, as both internal and external users are interested in it. Therefore, modern approaches to assessing the level of financial security of business entities, which are available in the theory and practice of financial management, have been studied. The author found that most methods of assessing the financial security of enterprises are based on the analysis of financial ratios. The article argues that the assessment of the level of financial security of the entities of the enterprise cannot be carried out only on the basis of the study of the parameters of the financial state, because financial indicators make it possible to assess only partially the level of financial security of the entity of the enterprise. In addition, the use of a large number of coefficients, on the one hand, makes it possible to analyze the activity of a business unit in the most comprehensive way, but, on the other hand, a large number of financial indicators can lead to the formation of ambiguous final conclusions due to conflicting values of various indicators. The author proposed to supplement the theoretical and methodological toolkit of analysis and forecasting of the level of financial security of enterprises using the conceptual model "Equilibrium wheel of business entities in hybrid financial conflicts". The proposed conceptual model is built on the basis of the most common hybrid financial conflicts today. The research uses a set of general scientific and empirical methods of scientific knowledge, including: theoretical generalization, induction and deduction; method of scientific abstraction; logical method; methods of system approach, analysis and synthesis; metaphorical method; method of comparison; graphic visualization method and others. The developed diagnostic tool for determining the state of financial security of economic entities takes into account financial, socio-psychological and metaphorical approaches to the study of financial security of business units in the conditions of the latest challenges and threats. This makes it possible to take into account, when ensuring the financial security of business units, not only the financial parameters of their development, but also the behavioral biases of owners and management and the peculiarities of interaction with all participants of their internal and external environment.


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How to Cite
Yastrubetska, L. (2023). «THE BALANCE WHEEL OF BUSINESS ENTITIES IN HYBRID FINANCIAL CONFLICTS» AS A CONCEPTUAL MODEL FOR DIAGNOSING THE STATE OF FINANCIAL SECURITY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (8 (08), 49-53. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.8-9