• Iryna Kramarenko Admiral Makarov National Shipbuilding University
Keywords: dual form of professional competence acquisition, educational process, higher education, innovation vectors, IV industrial revolution, participants of the educational process, university stakeholders, economic effect


Innovative development vectors of dual forms of acquiring professional competences under the influence of the IV industrial revolution are substantiated. The current state of use of information systems and technologies by educational institutions is analyzed. It was determined that recently Ukrainian educational institutions increasingly use information technologies and systems to ensure the educational process. It was determined that the use of information technologies to ensure the educational process became more and more relevant during the pandemic of the corona virus infection and the conduct of active hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. It was determined that the most relevant among educational institutions in the implementation of the educational process are the complex educational environments Moodle and GOOGLE CLASSROOM, the use of video communication (ZOOM, Skype, Meet and others) and messengers (Viber, Messenger, Telegram). It is emphasized that in modern conditions the use of information systems and technologies in the formation of a dual form of competence acquisition will only increase. It was determined that the innovative vectors of the development of dual forms of acquiring professional competences under the influence of the IV industrial revolution will be the use of mixed forms of education (formal and informal), the wide implementation of personalization of data and the Internet of Things (smartphones, tablets, e-mail addresses, etc.), obtaining education 24/7 with the opportunity to listen to and study the specified material at any time, the use of Artificial Intelligence during laboratory and practical classes, the adaptability of educational programs by improving them to the requirements of stakeholders and students of education, strengthening professional competencies due to the increase of the practical component in production. Innovative vectors and tools for the development of dual forms of acquiring professional competences under the influence of the fourth industrial revolution are substantiated. It was determined that the use of the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence will be innovative tools for the development of dual forms of acquiring professional competences.


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Zhuravel Y., Popadynets N., Irtyshcheva I., Stetsiv I., Stetsiv I., Hryhoruk I., Boiko Y., Kramarenko I., & Trushlyakova A. Management Aspects in the Higher Education Quality Assurance System. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing: 4th International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies: Future Applications, IHIET – AI 2021, 28-30 April 2021, Vol. 1378 AISC. P. 635–642.

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