Keywords: organization, structure, personnel, remote work, efficiency, performance


The article in question delves into the complexities and necessities of evolving organizational structures to accommodate the rising trend of remote work. It begins by framing the problem, asserting that as remote work becomes more prevalent, especially in the wake of the pandemic and other crises, organizational structures must adapt to meet new challenges and opportunities. The authors offer a review of existing literature, mentioning significant contributions by scholars like Gajendran R.S., Harrison D.A., and Robbins S.P. This lays the foundation for the article's argument that there's an ongoing conversation about how to adapt organizational structures for remote work, but more research is needed. The article outlines three key objectives: to review existing organizational structures for their efficacy in combining remote and office work; to identify new roles and responsibilities in the hybrid working model; to systematize types of remote work. Data from Global Workplace Analytics indicates a significant shift towards remote work, citing a 24% increase in remote work preference. The article also identifies several types of remote work, ranging from full-time telecommuting to freelancing and consulting. The author draws upon theories by Professors like Steve Robins and Pamela Tolbert, who define organizational structure in terms of task distribution and coordination. These theories serve as a framework for the article's argument that managerial styles and organizational structures must be more fluid to meet the demands of remote work. Finally, the article provides several practical recommendations, including vertical decentralization, the formation of competency-based remote teams, a more significant role for HR in remote settings, and the need for robust data security measures. As the modern workforce becomes increasingly decentralized, the article provides a comprehensive analysis of how organizational structures must adapt to sustain productivity, maintain security, and foster a positive work environment. It serves as a roadmap for businesses looking to navigate the intricate landscape of remote work, offering tangible solutions to complex challenges.


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How to Cite
Makovoz, O., Kriuchko, O., & Partsyrnyi, D. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE IN THE CONDITIONS OF REMOTE WORK OF THE ORGANIZATION’S PERSONNEL. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (7 (07), 92-95.