The article describes the innovative strategy of the enterprise, defines the stages of development of the innovative strategy of the enterprise, considers the types of innovative strategies of the enterprise (offensive strategy, defensive strategy, imitative, dependent, traditional strategy and strategy "for the opportunity" ("niche strategy")), provides a description of their stages, advantages and disadvantages. The management of the implementation of the innovative strategies of the enterprise is characterized, strategic alternatives of the innovative development of the enterprise are proposed, research is carried out on the formation of the innovative strategy of the enterprise and the principles of its development in modern conditions (predominance of strategic orientation, orientation to market needs, purposefulness, comprehensiveness, planning, information security). Directions for choosing an innovative strategy at the enterprise are given (if there is a strong innovative potential - active research and development, differentiation, cost leadership, absorption of innovative firms, acquisition of full licenses, if weak - attracting investment from outside, merging with other companies, using franchising, purchase of licenses) and factors affecting this choice. The use of the matrix of alternative options for innovative strategies is substantiated. It was determined that the strategic planning of the region's enterprises is related to the distribution of resources between certain areas of its activity, taking into account their prospects. The definition of the innovation policy of the region's enterprises is provided (a form of strategic management that defines the goals and conditions of the organization's innovative activities, aimed at ensuring its competitiveness and optimal use of the available production and intellectual potential). The selection of the innovation strategy is carried out taking into account the internal and external conditions of the enterprise's functioning. The basis of the development of an innovative strategy should be strategic management decisions that reflect consideration of all issues related to its implementation. The development of these solutions should be a promising direction of research.
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