Keywords: digital financial accessibility, economic policy, regulation of development, integration, digital technologies


Digital financial accessibility characterizes the provision of equal access to certain population groups with a limited level of financial services to basic financial services based on the widespread use of digital technologies. For digital financial accessibility, a remote form of service through digital financial products, digital service delivery channels and digital business models of customer service and fundraising plays a major role. The purpose of the article is to study the issues of digital financial accessibility from the point of view of its impact on the development of the economy, in particular, the problem of avoiding systematic financial risks and ways of combating them. In the current conditions of the russian-Ukrainian war, it is expedient for state regulators to clarify the criteria for defining and listing basic financial services that can be provided by financial institutions based on the use of digital channels and service systems, identifying and removing barriers to the exclusion of certain categories of consumers from financial services, conducting monitoring tariffs for basic and innovative financial services, expanding the physical accessibility of consumers to financial services by increasing access points based on the development of financial infrastructure and expanding digital service channels using digital business models of banking and non-banking financial institutions, creating a remote customer identification system and expanding opportunities for non-banking financial institutions to use the services of credit history bureaus, creation of regulatory conditions for the interaction of banks and non-banking financial institutions, expansion of opportunities for combining individual financial services, expansion of the list of financial services that can be provided by agents. The digitalization of financial intermediation has a positive effect on the public's access to financial services, however, existing barriers inhibit the process of public access to the system of official financial services, strengthening the processes of hoarding and shadow access to the provision of services. This actualizes the need to increase citizens' awareness of the use of innovative financial products and services, legislative and regulatory regulation of the provision of innovative tools, and the use of separate channels. This article has practical implications for promoting the development of digital financial accessibility.


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How to Cite
Kudrina, O., & Bozhkova, V. (2023). FORMING INTERNAL INTEGRATED CONTROL WHEN MANAGING THE RISKS OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (7 (07), 86-91.