Keywords: digitalization, management, development, enterprise, process, digital transformation, business


The article highlights the imperatives of managing the development of enterprises in the context of digitalization of the economy. The index of digital competitiveness of Ukraine is analyzed and the overall index in Ukraine in 2021 fell by 6 points compared to 2018. The article considers the development of Ukrainian enterprises in the context of digitalization of the economy and determines that during 2018-2021 there was a tendency to increase the number of enterprises with access to the Internet, but in 2022 there was a significant drop due to the introduction of martial law and the consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war. It is determined that digital transformation is a central part of successful enterprise development management. It has been found that digitalization plays an important role in the development of enterprises that strive for successful partnerships and effective management of all internal processes. The article establishes that the imperatives of enterprise development management depend on the level of production development, division of labor and labor cooperation, use of the results of scientific and technological progress, economic resources, forms of stimulating highly productive labor, but above all on the degree of mutual integration of these parameters. It is determined that the basic principles of enterprise development management are the principle of structure and the principle of detail. It is found that enterprise development management is based on assessing the current state, understanding the requirements and possible directions of development, setting goals and choosing tools to achieve them, as well as parallel control and coordination of the management process itself. It is determined that the development of an enterprise in the context of the digitalization of the economy is the integration of new digital technologies into all areas of the organization in order to radically change the way the enterprise operates and provides value to its customers. It has been found that managing the development of an enterprise in the context of the digitalization of the economy increases the efficiency of its activities and enables automation.


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How to Cite
Tytok, V., & Rasputnyi, D. (2023). IMPERATIVES FOR MANAGING THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISES IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITALIZATION OF THE ECONOMY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (7 (07), 75-79.