• Vasyl Orlov State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communication
  • Liudmyla Shostak Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
Keywords: digitalization, digital transformation, enterprise security, financial security, economic security, financial and economic security


This article is devoted to an overview of existing approaches to assessing the financial and economic security of an enterprise. Based on the analysis of each method by the authors, it was found that the models mentioned in the study do not fully take into account the comprehensive assessment of the level of the enterprise's activity, especially this is clearly observed in the conditions of the digital transformation of the economy. The development of digitalization in the conditions of management decision-making in business should take place under the following conditions: assessment of the feasibility of practical implementation digital initiatives, determining the probability of new risks or opportunities from the implementation of digitization; determination of adaptation conditions companies of our country to the changes, while taking into account the rapid changes on market environment; tracking of new technologies in innovative industries (robotics, new types of energy and Internet technologies); definition and evaluation limitations, finding ways to achieve progress taking into account the existing ones. The authors proposed to expand the constituent elements of the methodology for determining the level of probability of bankruptcy, due to their expansion to 13 components. Of course, foreign methods are easy to use, but they are adapted for use at foreign enterprises and do not fully take into account the specifics of conducting domestic business, the modern economy, elements of political instability and possible risks and threats. It is the digital transformation that will allow in this situation to effectively not only assess the probability of a negative situation at the enterprise, but also quickly eliminate it. Threats such as economic, interface, environmental, force, etc., have quite significant consequences on the level of security of the enterprise, but the assessment of the level of their influence is not taken into account when assessing the level of probability of bankruptcy of the enterprise; when defining an array of indicators to form a model for assessing the level of financial and economic security, it is necessary to select factors of internal and external influence as follows-long-term factors and short-term factors.


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How to Cite
Orlov, V., & Shostak, L. (2023). EFFICIENCY OF APPROACHES FOR ASSESSING THE FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE ENTERPRISE IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (7 (07), 64-70. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.7-10