Keywords: open innovations, innovation system, innovative process, model of open innovation


Based on the paradigm of open innovation, the article proposes the use of a model that can be applied in micro-, meso- and macroeconomic systems. The phases of the innovation process are analyzed: pre-investment, investment, operational. It is emphasized that at each stage of the innovation process, both the innovator's own resources and external sources can be used. The components of the institutional and infrastructural support of the phases of innovation activity are systematized. The characteristics of the innovation system are highlighted from the standpoint of the institutional approach. The principles of the formation of NIS are given. It is indicated that within the framework of the modern understanding, spatial development is becoming more diversified, moving away from resource centers and investment and financial zones. It is argumentally confirmed that at the present stage it is relevant to study effective methods of management of open-type innovation processes, the organization's potential as a combination of internal and external flows of knowledge and information in order to gain competitive advantages. This became the reason for the possibility of creating innovative clusters based on the concentration of intellectual and technological potential. Due to this, arises a necessity of overcoming infrastructural and institutional constraints, creating equal opportunities for all innovative actors and contributing to the development of intellectual potential. It is noted that the main task in the process of the development of innovation system is to form a number of processes - from scientific discovery to the commercialization of innovations and innovative development. In the model of open innovation, based on the concept of dynamic properties, it has been proven that the basis of key competencies is formed by innovations that offer qualitatively new values. Based on the principle of open network interaction in the field of innovation, a management system has been developed from the standpoint of synergistic and cybernetic approaches for the development of innovation system. The characteristic of the innovation process by classification groups is given, which allows to determine the “effect of innovation” and conduct the assessment of effectiveness of the innovation system in comparison with others.


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How to Cite
Koverha, S., Krutogorskiy, Y., & Popova, H. (2023). FORMATION OF A INNOVATION SYSTEM: APPROACHES, PRINCIPLES, DEVELOPMENT. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (7 (07), 23-31.