Keywords: security, security types, classification, systematization, international security, national security, security of economic entities, economic security


The transformational processes occurring in the modern world lead to an increase in the number of threats that destabilize security components at various levels of economic system functioning. Therefore, there is a need to study the essence of security types, their functional significance, scope of action, and scales of influence. The article substantiates the interdependence, interrelation, and mutual impact not only of security types within economic entities, states, or between states but also between levels of economic systems, namely micro-, macro-, and megalevels. It is determined that international security is responsible for ensuring security at the megalevel, which includes the following security types: global, regional, subregional, and interstate. International security is intended to ensure the external security of the global community, fulfill obligations, and adhere to guarantees of security and stability. National security interacts with international security but is more focused on ensuring the security of its own assets, namely individuals, society, and the state. The types of security that form national security include technological, scientific and technical, socio-cultural, energy, military, public, informational, economic, political, demographic, social, environmental security, and security against natural disasters. Components of national security serve as a foundation and guide for implementing security measures for economic entities at the micro level, where the objects are individuals (personalities as physical individuals) and enterprises (as legal entities). The classification of security types of economic entities from the perspective of entrepreneurial activity includes the following security types: coercive, environmental, economic (including financial, market, foreign economic), social, legal, technological (including production, investment, innovative), energy, technical, personnel (including intellectual, physical, psychological), and digital. The rapid development of international relations, digital technologies, and global changes in the world community contribute to the emergence of new security types. The systematization of security types by levels of economic systems allows for a clearer understanding of their essence and interaction and serves as a basis for developing security tools against various threats.


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How to Cite
Kovbatiuk, M., Shkliar, V., & Pasenchuk, P. (2023). INTERCONNECTION OF SECURITY TYPES AND THEIR SYSTEMATIZATION BY LEVELS OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (7 (07), 16-22.