Keywords: state banks, banking system, NPL, nationalization, POWER BANKING


The purpose of the study is to determine the features and main problems of the functioning of state-owned banks in Ukraine. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the most developed network of branches of state banks, their belonging to critical infrastructure facilities, support from the state and public trust determine the special importance of state banks for the stability of the economy and national security of the state in the war and post-war periods. In the research process, the following methods of learning were used: generalization and comparison (to compare the financial indicators of state-owned banks for different years), observation (during the study of the peculiarities of the state-owned banks of Ukraine, including during martial law); system analysis (when summarizing the main problems of the functioning of state-owned banks), graphic (for constructing graphic displays of the received data). The main development trends of banks with state participation in 2020-2023 have been analyzed. Their place in the banking system by assets, loan and deposit portfolios has been determined. It was revealed that the share of state banks in the net assets of the banking system is 53%, in the deposit portfolio of individuals 60.6%, and in the loan portfolio - 29%. An assessment of the financial results of all state-owned banks during 2020-2023 was carried out, the reasons for profitability and their unprofitability in different periods were substantiated. In 5 months of 2023, state banks concentrated almost 59% of the total profit of the banking system. The first place in terms of profitability and the size of the deposit portfolio is occupied by Privatbank, which is the most efficient state bank of Ukraine. The mission of public sector banks during the period of martial law is to ensure the financial stability of Ukraine, support and stability of the functioning of the banking sector, ensure the financing of priority sectors of the economy and the smooth functioning of critical infrastructure enterprises, including those that are state-owned. The practical value of the article lies in highlighting the main problems of the functioning of state banks: a high share of NPLs, a decrease in the number of operating branches, lower efficiency indicators compared to private and foreign banks, too high share of the state in bank capital, etc.


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How to Cite
Matviichuk, N. (2023). CURRENT TRENDS IN STATE BANKS DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (6 (06), 86-91.