Keywords: food security, food, food security system, self-sufficiency, national food security strategy


The purpose of this research is to analyze scientific works dedicated to food security and the impact of major factors on Ukraine's food security. The ultimate goal is to develop and provide specific recommendations for ensuring the population's access to food products, because food security is a prerequisite for sustainable development, economic sovereignty and national security of modern Ukraine. The study employed the following methods: monographic, which involved in-depth examination of processes and phenomena to identify cause-and-effect relationships; statistical, which allowed for data analysis and examination; as well as the systemic method, which facilitated the study of objects as complex systems, and the abstract-logical method, through which concrete conclusions and recommendations were drawn. The article addresses current issues related to the formation of a strategy for ensuring food security in Ukraine. Theoretical approaches of researchers concerning the main factors influencing food supply levels have been analyzed. Recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of both state regulation and the private sector have been outlined. Emphasis has been placed on the importance of existing policies and measures aimed at food security and possible directions for their improvement. The study highlights the best practices and approaches that can be adapted to the Ukrainian context. It is determined that positive changes are possible through the promotion of agricultural development, the establishment of mechanisms for early risk detection, and the creation of effective monitoring systems. During the formulation of recommendations aimed at creating a food security system, educational and research institutions are given a key role, as their support in scientific research in this field is crucial. The growth of highly skilled specialists and the development of technologies that can be utilized to modernize the production and storage of food products can have a positive impact on food security soon. Significant attention is devoted to improving infrastructure and logistics networks to optimize the distribution and provision of food to all regions and residents. It is determined that increasing food security can be achieved through improving the investment attractiveness of regions and creating conditions for the modernization of the agricultural sector through the adoption of innovations, development of precision equipment, and improvement of technological processes. Access to information on the food market for both consumers and producers is highlighted as a positive factor influencing food security. The practical value of the article lies in its comprehensive analysis of scientific research regarding the main factors influencing food security and the development of original recommendations aimed at forming an effective strategy for ensuring food security in Ukraine, taking into account its potential and current realities.


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How to Cite
Kurinnyi, S. (2023). THEORETICAL APPROACH TO THE FORMATION OF THE STRATEGY FOR ENSURING FOOD SECURITY OF UKRAINE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (6 (06), 81-85.