The purpose of the article is to determine, on the basis of the analysis of the typology of the mechanisms of enterprise development, such structures that would be more acceptable for solving the task of ensuring an effective system of proactive management of the economic sustainability of the electronic communications operator and to develop an appropriate mechanism that is effective in the conditions of digital transformations. A mechanism for proactive management of the economic sustainability of an electronic communications operator has been developed, which is based on three stages. At the design stage (reactive stage), a complex of analytical, design and other measures is taken, which contribute to the development of an optimal (from the point of view of the needs of electronic communications operators working in the market of communication and informatization services) economic sustainability management mechanism. At this stage, existing approaches and analytical tools are applied, which collectively allow for the formation of a proactive management mechanism that is more appropriate for modern conditions characterized by digital transformations and other challenges. At the implementation stage (proactive stage), the mechanism of proactive management of economic stability is implemented in the activities of the electronic communications operator by introducing local mechanisms formed at the reactive stage. At this stage, in addition to making appropriate management decisions to ensure economic sustainability, there is also development of a set of balanced indicators for assessing economic sustainability and forecasting the dynamics of these indicators in the short and long term. At the stage of reflection (focusing on the results and analysis of the overall efficiency of the functioning of the proactive management mechanism, the obtained results of short-term and medium-term perspectives), the effectiveness of the functioning of the proposed mechanism is assessed. The developed mechanism has certain differences from analogues existing in scientific and special studies, as it takes into account: the effects of risks and uncertainties of the external environment; the possibility of introduction in the form of separate mechanisms to control the level of economic stability, etc.
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