The purpose of the article is to clarify the essence of the innovation and investment potential of the enterprise and to develop an adaptive mechanism for structuring the innovation and investment potential of domestic enterprises under the influence of post-conflict transformation. The topic of the research is relevant, since in Ukraine it is necessary to adapt the structure of innovation and investment potential of domestic enterprises in accordance with the main directions of overcoming the consequences of military actions. The article examines the interpretation of the terms "innovative potential" and "investment potential", based on which the essence of innovation and investment potential is formulated, which is proposed to be understood from the standpoint of three approaches: resource approach, effective approach, and potential approach. According to the resource approach, the innovation and investment potential is a set of resources that are involved in the innovation and investment activities of the enterprise. According to the effective approach, the innovation and investment potential reflects the productivity of the enterprise's innovation and investment activities. From the perspective of the potential approach, the innovation and investment potential shows the maximum possibility of the enterprise to carry out innovation and investment activities. The concept of visible and hidden potentials is clarified and the innovation and investment potential is graphically displayed in the form of the ratio of the part of the potential that can be estimated and the hidden part of the potential. The main criteria for the formation of an adaptive mechanism for structuring innovation and investment potential have been formed. An adaptive mechanism for structuring the enterprise's innovation and investment potential has been developed, the main components of which are: resource potential; personnel potential; production potential; institutional potential; infrastructure potential; financial potential; consumer potential. Conclusions were made that the enterprise functions and develops on the basis of the enterprise's innovation and investment potential, and a system of indicators is formed to assess the efficiency and expediency of the enterprise's activities.
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