In today's world, digitalization is becoming more and more relevant and affects various spheres of human activity. This global phenomenon brings significant changes to the economy, business processes and culture. However, the definition of the term "digitalization" itself is not unambiguous, which creates certain difficulties for the scientific and practical understanding of this phenomenon. In the scientific literature, you can find different approaches to the definition of digitalization, which reveal its essence and impact on the development of society. This article explores various approaches to defining digitalization and their impact on the organizational process. The purpose of the article is to clarify the essence of the concept of "digitalization" and organize approaches to its definition. The analysis focuses on the methodological approach, which emphasizes the comprehensive nature of digitalization and its influence on culture, organizational changes, and strategic planning. The technological approach, which highlights the use of digital technologies to enhance business processes and workflows, is also examined. The article considers the organizational approach, which recognizes the importance of cultural transformation, organizational changes, and strategic planning as integral parts of the digitalization process. Based on the analysis of recent research and publications, the conclusion is drawn that the successful implementation of digitalization requires a combination of these three approaches. The article emphasizes the significance of a deep understanding of these approaches and their interplay, as well as openness to change and innovation in all aspects of the organization. The practical significance of the definition of digitalization lies in the development of recommendations and methodologies for the implementation of digital initiatives in various fields, for example, in science, education, medicine and the public sector. Scientific and methodical approaches allow to assess the consequences of digitalization, identify problematic issues and develop strategies for solving them. They also contribute to the formation of new approaches to training and training of specialists, adaptation of business processes and ensuring effective interaction with the public.
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