Keywords: accounting and analytical support, innovative activity, digitization, account information, management


The article is devoted to the topical issues of determining the state of development of innovative activity in the conditions of the digital transformation of the economy and the development of organizational and methodological approaches and recommendations for the formation of accounting information on the costs of innovative activity on accounting accounts and their generalization in a single system of registers. In the course of the study, the significance of innovations for increasing business efficiency and the strategic priorities of their innovative development, taking into account global innovation trends, opportunities and urgent problems of Ukraine, were revealed. The current state and trends of the accounting display of processes and results of management of innovative development of business entities are evaluated as prerequisites for the formation of a strategically oriented accounting and analytical environment. Systematized and evaluated the main elements of the organization of accounting and analytical support for the management of innovative development of enterprises for the formation of vectors for the achievement of defined long-term goals. The strategies of innovative activity of business entities were analyzed to clarify the digital contours of the accounting and analytical management of their development. In order to improve the efficiency of information collection, processing, systematization and generalization, an effective model of the information technology architecture of accounting and analytical support for the management of innovative activities of business entities is proposed, as a prerequisite for the formation of a single integrated accounting system and strategically oriented data storage. The implementation of recommendations on the digitalization of innovation activity accounting allows to simplify and speed up the search and processing of information, its analysis and exchange, as a result of which the duration of the innovation lag is shortened and the interaction of the subjects of the innovation process is intensified.


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