The article is dedicated to the issue of information provision for assessing the sustainable development of agro-industrial enterprises. The importance of sustainability assessment for agro-industrial sector enterprises is highlighted, emphasizing the role of information provision in this process. Agro-industrial enterprises have a significant impact on the environment through their activities, such as agriculture, food production, and animal breeding. Therefore, assessing their ecological impact becomes a necessary step towards ensuring sustainability and preserving natural resources. This article emphasizes the importance of conducting an assessment of the environmental impact of agro-industrial enterprises as it aids in identifying and managing the negative consequences of their activities on the environment. The results of the assessment can contribute to the implementation of environmentally friendly technologies and practices that promote the conservation of natural resources and reduce the negative impact on the environment. Thus, analyzing the environmental impact of agro-industrial enterprises is a crucial step towards sustainable development and environmental responsibility in this sector. The aim of this article is to discuss and explore the information provision for assessing the sustainable development of agro-industrial enterprises. It aims to shed light on important aspects related to the assessment of enterprise sustainability in terms of their environmental impact, social responsibility, and economic efficiency. The obtained results have significant practical significance for agro-industrial enterprises and stakeholders. They provide an opportunity to better understand the environmental impact of these enterprises and identify negative aspects of their activities on the environment. This enables enterprises to take necessary measures to reduce their negative impact and enhance their environmental responsibility. The obtained results also contribute to improving the social aspects of enterprise activities. The analysis of working conditions, occupational health and safety allows for improving the quality of life and working conditions of employees. The economic significance of the obtained results lies in providing enterprises with the ability to evaluate their profitability, economic risk, and resource efficiency.
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