Keywords: provision of financial resources, optimization, management of financial resources, financial results, financial resources


Financial support is especially relevant in conditions of economic instability, as it is during this period that the risks of losses and financial losses become significantly higher. Enterprises can maintain financial stability by increasing their reserves and financial capital, as well as by developing effective financial policies and strategies that allow comprehensive management of financial resources. The basic vectors of management of subjects and enterprise of concept financial resources are considered in the article, influence of financial resources on profitability on financial firmness. An effective management can provide cost effectiveness and increase of profitability of business that in turn will result in the increase of financial resources. The structure of financing sources of Ukrainian enterprises as a whole and by their size was studied. Thus, reduction of part of own financial resources and self-finance, results in a necessity to the domestic enterprises succeeded to the external borrowing. Medium and small enterprises of Ukraine have the greatest such need, which requires enterprises to reasonably approach the issue of balance. Graphical interpretation of fluctuations in the financial results of enterprises in general in the economy and by the structure of enterprises that made a profit (loss) shows that in the period 2010-2021 there were general positive trends in the indicators of the financial results of Ukrainian enterprises. However in a period 2014-2016 there was unprofitable activity of enterprises, such destructive influence that was caused by corresponding political events that confirms increase of index of financial stress. The country's economic instability can negatively affect the formation of financial resources and can lead to a reduction in their volume. Certain factors influencing the financial condition were studied to ensure the completeness and effectiveness of its assessment, as well as to make a forecast of financial results in a general form. The model of the need for financial resources of enterprises is substantiated, taking into account the fluctuations of the financial cycle, the use of which allows you to draw appropriate conclusions about existing and potential opportunities, as well as to make appropriate management decisions that will affect the increase of its financial stability.


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How to Cite
BrazhnуkL., Aranchiy, D., & Chop, V. (2023). FINANCIAL RESOURCES OF THE ENTERPRISE: MANAGEMENT AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE FINANCIAL CONDITION. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (5 (05), 115-120.