Keywords: modeling, financial condition, valuation, UML, model, financial sector


The article is devoted to the problems of modeling information support for assessing the financial condition of enterprise. The study used methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization – to determine the content of basic concepts, a graphical method – to visualize aspects of information support of the process of assessing the financial condition of the enterprise, a method of business processes modeling – to detail the stages of assessing the financial condition. Approaches to the definition of the phenomenon of «financial condition» and methodical approaches to its assessment are investigated and systematized. The object, subjects, tasks, indicators and information basis for assessing the financial condition using the mind mep scheme are allocated. Key features of the structure of funding sources and directions of use of financial resources were identified at the end of September 2022. The sources of primary financial information, which are necessary for assessing the financial condition of enterprises, have been allocated. The essence of information support, its components and the advantages that its modeling provides has been investigated. The objectives of the user of information support for assessing the financial condition of the enterprise were clarified. It is determined that it is necessary to describe in detail the business processes of the company in order to have the opportunity to improve them in the future. The feasibility of using UML tools to create a domain description is shown. The elements of the use-case diagram for graphical description of the processes of assessing the financial condition of enterprise are defined. A description of the actors of the model and their functional responsibilities is provided. Characteristics of the model use cases (main and auxiliary) are provided. A use case diagram for assessing the financial condition of enterprise is constructed. The model was generated using UML tools, graphically describes the implementation of individual business tasks for assessing the financial condition, was built in the MS Visio environment. A sequence diagram reflecting a generalized order of interaction in each individual case regarding the assessment of financial condition was created.


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How to Cite
Leliuk, S., & Lykhatskyi, B. (2023). MODELING OF INFORMATION SUPPORT FOR ASSESSING THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE ENTERPRISE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (5 (05), 103-108.