Keywords: socio-economic stability, economic policy, city development, management strategies


The article is devoted to the concept of socio-economic stability of cities as an important condition for ensuring the development of the economy of Ukraine and the determination of influencing factors for ensuring such stability during the period of post-war reconstruction of Ukrainian cities. The stability of the economy as a generalized indicator provides information about the real state of the economic system of Ukraine, taking into account possible changes in the external and internal conditions of the functioning of the economy of Ukraine, and also enables all other subjects of economic activity to respond in a timely and adequate manner to possible changes in the stability of the economy of Ukraine and to adopt adequate management decisions. The concept of socio-economic stability of cities, which becomes one of the determining factors in post-war reconstruction of urban infrastructure, is of particular importance in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war and significant destruction of many Ukrainian cities. Currently, the problem of planning the development and post-war reconstruction of cities destroyed by the war is relevant, in connection with which high-quality construction is steadily moving forward. The goal of this process is to build a livable, innovative, smart, green, humanistic and economically sustainable city, and to build a regional economic structure with high-quality development, thus emphasizing that the socio-economic sustainability of the city is a new requirement and goal future post-war urban development. The development of socio-economic sustainability of cities involves taking into account many indicators and implementing a set of management actions aimed at forming a dynamic structure capable of conducting continuous over time and economically successful activities in terms of achieving the set strategic goals in conditions of constant influence of external environmental factors, while preserving the signs of integrity and balance The development of the urban infrastructure of internal transport through the improvement of the quality of urban road transport and the interconnection of intercity road facilities contributes to the socio-economic stability of cities. Focusing on the development of urban traffic should become the focus of the construction of the urban risk prevention system in the future. In planning the development of urban transport, it is necessary to improve the connectivity of the road network to increase the city's ability to withstand the effects of war.


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