Keywords: foreign economic activity, export-import operations, regulation, control, martial law


The article defines the peculiarities of regulation and control of foreign economic activity in the conditions of martial law, based on the realities of today. It was established that in connection with the introduction of martial law, changes were made in the calculations for export and import operations. It was determined that in the conditions of martial law, banks are prohibited from suspending currency supervision over compliance with the deadlines for registration of export and import of goods. It was found that prohibitions and restrictions on cooperation with counterparties associated with the aggressor state, valid before the start of martial law, were significantly strengthened with the start of a full-scale war. It has been established that Ukraine's accession to the Convention on the Common Transit Procedure allows Ukrainian companies to transport goods through the territories of the European Union, European Free Trade Association countries and other countries participating in the Convention without the obligation to process the goods in transit in each of them. This innovation made it possible to continue fulfilling Ukraine's obligations to the European Union within the framework of the Association Agreement. The trends of the development of foreign trade of Ukraine from the standpoint of practical aspects have been considered. It was determined that Ukraine is in a difficult situation caused by the state of war, and economic indicators show negative dynamics. This significantly affects the country's economy, since the foreign market is an important source of income for Ukraine. In order to ensure effective regulation and control of foreign economic activity, it is necessary to apply advanced artificial intelligence technologies for decision-making by implementing a real-time analysis system based on advanced information technologies. In the perspective of further research, it is expedient to consider the impact of the adopted normative legal documents on the regulation and control of foreign exchange in the conditions of martial law on the dynamics of export-import operations during this period.


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How to Cite
Zelic, V., & Matveyev, M. (2023). FEATURES OF THE REGULATION AND CONTROL OF FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE STATE OF WAR: REALITIES TODAY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (5 (05), 93-97. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.5-14