Consulting activity today is considered as an integral infrastructural component of the market economy system, powerful sphere of economy of many developed countries, a leading role which is related to the essence of the intellectual product, which create consulting companies for client organizations in order to strengthen their competitive advantages, contributing to the mobilization of potential and the use of existing opportunities for improving business efficiency. The rapid growth of the number of consulting organizations and the breadth of the range of their products puts forward special ones requirements for the quality of services, needs a clear definition of boundaries consultant profession. In modern conditions of promotion professionalism and quality of services become decisive tasks of the consulting market. Only thanks to a high professional level and constant efforts aimed at improving it, a consultant is able to be effective take advantage of the growing demand for consulting services. The process of management in the consulting sphere of the economic sector of the international economy is studied. The definition of consulting and the process of providing consulting services is delimited from auditing as types of intellectual services. The author's definition of the concept of consulting is formulated, which takes into account the specific features of this concept and the changes that have taken place in the modern economy and the sphere of service provision. The peculiarities of the activities of international organizations operating in the field of international management consulting are considered. The volumes of consulting services in the general order portfolio of leading consulting firms and companies have been determined. The dynamics of the strategic consulting market at the current stage of development of the market environment are formulated and graphically presented. The characterization of the financial consulting market was carried out and the main directions of its formation were determined. It was predicted main trends in the development of the IT consulting market. After researching consulting activity in the system of international business, we can to say that this process is under severe influence of one of the main factors of such an environment: the development of the management theory paradigm and the nature of demand from the side of business, which is determined by trends in the world economy At the same time, it was discovered during the study a regularity characterized by the lag behind the development of consulting from the development of the management paradigm.
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