The article examines the existing practical experience of developing the concept of clustering of the economy, which is one of the modern directions of regional economic policy, aimed not only at enhancing socio-economic but also innovative development of territories. It is determined that cluster policy in many countries acts as one of the effective forms of structural organization of relations in the internal environment, at the national and regional levels. As a result, in the economic theory and practice of territorial development management, the cluster approach has established itself as one of the dominant approaches. The study revealed a number of global trends in economic clustering, and identified the features of cluster policy. As a result of comparative analysis of cluster policy in individual countries, the main models of implementation of cluster policy were identified: dirigist and liberal, and the differences between them were formulated, which play a different role, given to the mechanisms of state regulation and market self-organization. A method of cluster analysis based on indicators that reflect the totality of economic characteristics of regions is proposed, which will make it possible to group regions into three groups of clusters. There are also two main approaches of modern policy for supporting cluster formation: ascending and descending. The essence of the upward approach is to ensure the efficient functioning of the market and the elimination of market deficits. The starting point is market-driven initiatives, with the government acting as an assistant and regulator, but it does not set rigid national and regional priorities. The Oriental approach is typical of modern Scandinavian countries, when the government sets regional and national priorities, formulates a stimulating perspective on the future (before shaping the process of dialogue), selects subjects to be involved in the dialogue. It is proposed to group regions into clusters by indicators that reflect the totality of economic characteristics of regions. The factors that contribute to and hinder the development of clusters have been identified and characterized. The essence of the cluster as a specific institutional form of business organization is specified.
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