The structure and dynamics of changes in the export-import activity of Ukraine for 2013 - the pre-war period, 2021 - the period of the silent war, and 2022 - the period of the full-scale invasion were analyzed. The purpose of the article is to identify the reasons for the decline in foreign economic activity, in particular, the search for ways to restore foreign economic activity during the war. Today, Ukraine is reorienting itself from foreign trade with post-Soviet countries to the EU and America. The main tasks of rebuilding the export-import situation in Ukraine are the search for new product groups, sales markets, building mutually beneficial trade relations with partner countries and full diversification of the sales market in order to finally be independent in the choice of future cooperation with the countries of the world. The main reasons for the drop in export and import indicators in 2022 in terms of the structure of goods were identified, the gross share of these reasons was formed by military factors: geographical restrictions, lack of production capacity, a drop in solvency and dependence in the foreign economic sector on the aggressor of the Russian Federation. All these reasons are analyzed on the basis of actual data with the analysis of the trade balance and with the help of the coefficient of coverage of imports by exports, which in 2022 in the amount of 73% has practically returned to the level of 2013. The structure of commodity exports and imports by industry has been studied in detail. The gross share of exports from Ukraine is occupied by: heavy metals; products of vegetable origin and mineral products, when imported to Ukraine: mineral products; machines, equipment and mechanisms and electrical equipment; products of the chemical industry and products made from them. The main tasks of the article: to investigate the reasons for the decline in exports and imports, to analyze in detail the areas experiencing a decline, to find opportunities to stop the process of decline, to develop ways of stabilizing and restoring the current foreign economic activity, to develop proposals for the restoration and stabilization of the foreign economic situation of Ukraine during the war period. Today, the country is struggling to find partner countries and preserve its export-import potential in order to regulate the economic situation.
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