Keywords: budgetary institutions, financial mechanism, budgetary mechanism, program-target method, estimate, expenses, digital technologies


The article examines the theoretical aspects of the functioning of the financial mechanism of budget institutions in modern conditions. It is noted that the management of budget expenditures requires constant improvement of the methods and tools of the financial mechanism in order to achieve the set goals with the optimal amount of spent resources. The essence of the financial mechanism and its components is revealed. The subsystem of financial provision is realized in the formation of sources, forms and methods of provision and use of financial resources by budgetary institutions. The subsystem of financial regulation covers legal regulation, financial forecasting, financial planning, financial control. An important role in the organization of the financial mechanism of budgetary institutions belongs to the system of levers of influence (normative, limits, reserves). It is substantiated that the financial mechanism of budgetary institutions is a part of the budgetary mechanism. It is noted that an important component of the budget mechanism of Ukraine is the forecast, on the results of which budget planning is based, and the most progressive method of budget planning is the program-target method. The general provisions and features of budgeting of a budget institution using the normative-analytical method are revealed. The effectiveness of the financial support of budget institutions depends on many factors, including modern digital technologies, and in this regard, the need to use information systems of financial management as a tool of the financial mechanism in order to expand the possibilities of planning, accounting, analysis and financial control has been determined. It has been proven that the latest technologies in the field of financing the activities of budget institutions are appropriate, such as the decision-making project based on big data technology and the concept of "programmed money", which provides for the possibility of technological control over the targeted use of budget funds. It was noted that the tools of the financial mechanism of budgetary institutions require adaptation and updating, which is caused by the need to build an effective system of financial management in the budgetary sphere under martial law.


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How to Cite
Kramarenko, K. (2023). FINANCIAL MECHANISM OF BUDGETARY INSTITUTIONS IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (5 (05), 33-36.