The article is devoted to solving problems and outlining prospects for the formation and financial aspects of the implementation of the state's social policy in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. The article analyzes and summarizes the views of scientists regarding the definition of the essence of "social policy" in view of the financial aspect of its implementation. The content and features of the financial provision of social protection of the population in the conditions of military operations in Ukraine are disclosed. Current problems of financial support of the social sphere and ways to solve them in the conditions of martial law are determined. The main prospective tasks and directions of development of social protection of the population in Ukraine are outlined. It is noted that one of the most important components in the system of social protection of citizens is its financial support. Ways to increase the efficiency of financing social expenditures in the conditions of limited budgetary resources in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine are proposed. Modern challenges and the limited financial capabilities of the state in the conditions of martial law need to be recognized as an objective necessity of the formation of effective social protection as a priority direction in the state policy for the realization of the most important public needs. This actualizes the study of problems and prospects for improving the financial provision of social protection of the population, especially in today's conditions. Despite a certain inconsistency, the state's desire to improve the current system of social protection and social security, which would include both individual measures aimed at the social security of certain social groups, and the system of social services available to various socially vulnerable categories of the population, is noticeable. After all, the economic soundness and effectiveness of the social protection and social security system, its focus on the needs of the most socially vulnerable categories of citizens are among the generally recognized standards of a socially oriented state, and the level of accessibility of social services for citizens is one of the indicators of determining the quality of life in a specific country. With an effective system of social protection and social security, the government accurately assesses the economic situation and needs of its citizens and allocates available budget funds and other resources to meet those needs in the best possible way. In this case, according to international standards, the main task of the system of social protection and social security should be to mitigate the negative impact of factors arising during the implementation of social and economic reforms on the most socially vulnerable categories of the population.
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