Keywords: security of the region, public-private partnership, state support, region, socio-economic security, socio-economic development, insurance, insurance market


The issue of ensuring the implementation of regional management mechanisms in order to guarantee socio-economic security, development of territorial communities, ensuring effective cooperation in the field of investment, insurance, public-private partnership is currently relevant. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations of socio-economic development of the regions in view of the potential opportunities and priorities, the need to guarantee security, the introduction of effective mechanisms of interaction, including through public-private partnership, the development of spheres of interaction with financial organizations, the sphere of insurance, the formation approaches to effective regional policy and ensuring a balance of interests between participants. The author researched the essence, priorities of socio-economic development of the region in view of needs and requests, the need to guarantee security, effective interaction between participants. The significance of the development of communications between participants, the use of the opportunities of the insurance sector, the priority directions of the socio-economic development of the region, taking into account the experience of interaction in the field of public-private partnership, the relevance of spreading the practice of interaction between participants of investment and grant projects, have been proven. It is stipulated that the implemented grant projects provide opportunities to solve current issues and requests. The need to use the best practices of public-private partnership, the priority of regional development, the implementation of priority tasks for guaranteeing the socio-economic security of the region should be supplemented by effective interaction between participants. The use of opportunities, including on the basis of partnership, is possible and effective if the interests of the participants are aimed at the development of industries and spheres of activity, sustainable or comprehensive development of territorial communities. The participation of insurance companies in social projects and social initiatives can take place through mechanisms of public-private and public-private partnerships. The possibilities of such cooperation significantly expand the spheres of interaction and guarantees for participants, which is an important component in the practical implementation of regional development approaches.


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How to Cite
Vyshnevska, O. (2023). SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION: SECURITY, PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP AND INSURANCE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (4 (04), 89-96.