Over the past few years, e-commerce has become an integral part of the global retail system. Like many other industries, retail has undergone significant changes due to the constant digitalization of modern life. This article explores the trends in the development of global e-commerce in the context of business digitalization. Approaches to the essence of the concept of "e-commerce" are analyzed. The definition contained in the Law of Ukraine "On E-Commerce" is given. The main challenges faced by modern online stores and other participants in the e-commerce market, such as increased competition, rapid technological development and changing consumer demand, are identified. This article summarizes the key trends and tendencies in the global e-commerce market. The main indicators characterizing the development of e-business in the world are evaluated and compared. The global dynamics of e-commerce over the past five years is built and characterized. The graph of the share of e-commerce in the total trade of countries of the world is shown. A positive trend in the dynamics of the share of e-commerce in total retail sales is revealed. The variability of the share of e-commerce in total retail sales is studied. It is described that one of the biggest trends in the global e-commerce is the use of mobile devices as a direction of retail trade, which shows promising growth. The ranking of countries with the highest percentage of retail e-sales is presented and it is found that China is the leader in this area. The forecasting of the total global e-commerce revenue in 2023 by regions is studied. The largest revenue is expected in Asia, followed by the United States, and Europe. The global marketplaces are analyzed and the structure of the global e-commerce market by major players in 2022 is presented. The largest marketplaces are: Alibaba, Amazon, JD. com. All the results obtained from the study of this topic are summarized. As a result, a comprehensive overview of the trends in the development of global e-commerce in the context of business digitalization is provided and the key areas for the development of this market in the future are identified.
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