Keywords: digitalization, digitalization of business processes, the Internet, information and communication technologies, networked readiness


Since the transformation of business conditions today is associated with the growing amount of information and data related to the work of enterprises of all types of economic activity, it is relevant to study the processes of digitalization of business processes based on the comprehensive use of the Internet. The purpose of the article is to analyze the digitalization of business entities in Ukraine based on the use of information and communication technologies, coverage of their activities by the Internet and by types of economic activity. The research methods were general scientific methods – analysis and synthesis, abstraction and specification, induction and deduction, generalization and others. As a result of the conducted research, it was concluded that under the influence of the digitalization process, the tasks of business management are changing, namely, the company's activities in modern conditions are to a greater extent accompanied by the use of digital technologies, the provision of management personnel and employees with a high professional level of technological knowledge. It is shown that digitization of national economy business entities is possible based on effective innovative infrastructure, and business management in conditions of digitalization requires the formation of a digital ecosystem, the necessary component of which is the presence of a high-speed Internet. Since the key factor in supporting the company's business processes in the context of digitalization is the use of innovative information and communication technologies, management personnel and employees of companies must possess relevant technological competencies. It was concluded that the most digitalized in Ukraine are the spheres of information and communication technologies; scientific research and development; professional, scientific and technical activity. It was determined that an obstacle to the process of digitization of business entities in Ukraine is the low level of development of scientific concentration, digital technologies, technological base and IT integration.


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How to Cite
Neboha, T., & Labunska, O. (2023). DIGITALIZATION OF BUSINESS SUBJECTS OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (5 (05), 9-19.