• Tetiana Kuzenko Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
  • Olena Lytovchenko O.M. Beketov National University in Kharkiv
  • Nataliia Sablina Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
Keywords: own capital, raised capital of the enterprise, capital structure management, neural network, financial stability of the enterprise


The article examines the problem of using neural networks in managing the capital structure of domestic enterprises. in the modern conditions of the unstable economic situation in Ukraine, the rational management of the capital structure is of great importance for the successful operation of enterprises. management of capital formation consists in substantiation, acceptance and implementation of management decisions regarding the attraction of capital in the necessary amount and establishing its optimal structure from the point of view of the efficiency of the enterprise's activity. Capital structure is a factor that directly affects the financial the state of the enterprise - its solvency and liquidity, the amount of income, profitability of activity. An assessment of the structure of the company's sources of funds is carried out both internal and external users of accounting information. Determining the optimal capital structure, that is, the optimal ratio between own and borrowed capital, is one of the most important and complex tasks that are solved in the process of financial management of the enterprise. Optimizing the capital structure is important for all enterprises, regardless of their organizational and legal form of ownership and type of activity, as it allows to increase profits based on the use of loans. A necessary condition for this is the use of modern analysis and modeling tools, where neural networks occupy one of the leading places. The expediency of using neural networks as a tool for managing the capital structure of the enterprise is substantiated. it is established that the use of neural networks allows highlighting their advantages compared to traditional mathematical methods. given that regression networks are particularly sensitive to the problem of outliers, one possible way to solve this problem was found and proposed: train the network, then test it on training observations, find and discard those that give a very large error, and then train the network again . As a result, an illustration of the best model was obtained, which is quite acceptable for use in the process of managing the capital structure of a domestic enterprise in order to determine the nature of the relationship between the parameters characterizing the capital structure and its financial stability.


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How to Cite
Kuzenko, T., Lytovchenko, O., & Sablina, N. (2023). WAYS OF IMPROVING THE MANAGEMENT OF THE CAPITAL STRUCTURE OF THE ENTERPRISE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (4 (04), 81-88. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.4-14