Keywords: digital transformation, economy, information and communication technologies, digital platform, innovations


The research paper is devoted to the analysis of the current state and prospects of the digital transformation effect on the economy sphere, the determination of the digitalization role and place through the evolutionary changes prism from the industrial-market to the information-network economy. For determining the content-contextual relationships that arise in the studies of the economy digital transformation, the bibliometric analysis of the keywords of scientific research papers, which are indexed by the Web of Science scientometric database, was carried out. The economy digital transformation definition is presented and the beneficial effects of the digital transformation of processes and objects are outlined. In the course of the study, the digital transformation advantages, which are obtained by the state, the population and business, were determined, and the theoretical aspects of the formation and functioning of the digital economy were considered. In the research paper the necessity of developing digitalization programs of all economy sectors and spheres of life is proved on the base of the cause-and-effect relationship between the digital transformation rates of Ukraine’s economy and consumption level of information and communication technologies. Approaches to the implementation of information and communication technologies in the financial sector are proposed, because of the functioning of multi-level and differentiated system of financial institutions and the introduction of leading technological solutions of Industry 4.0 into the industrial enterprises activity, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency and productivity of work and it is the basis for further changes and improvements of existing business - processes. The platform architecture for the digital transformation of the business entity is proposed on the base of the interaction of management with customers, shareholders, counterparties and partners. This digital platform effectiveness is achieved through mutually beneficial innovative development, the formation of the digital economy of the future on the base of constant technological updating.


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How to Cite
Tyshchenko, D. (2023). DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DRIVER. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (4 (04), 38-45.