The article examines the essence of e-commerce, it is determined that in fact participants in e-commerce can be economic entities of various spheres and organizational forms, since the main requirement is the possibility of accessing the Internet. It is studied that traders can minimize the current and future impact on business by addressing four key emergency situations, and a comparative analysis of the development of the IT industry in the countries of the world is presented. It is noted that the volume of online transactions is increasing in developed countries today, and companies in all markets and regions of the world are rushing to incorporate e-commerce into their business plans. Every day, the number of Ukrainians who have constant access to the Internet is growing. An analysis of the dynamics of e-commerce during 2017–2021 was carried out, it is necessary to note the rapid growth rates of Internet users and e-commerce both in Ukraine and in the EU. However, due to the low purchasing power of Ukrainian consumers, the volumes of e-commerce and Internet use in in Ukraine are significantly lower than in the EU. It was determined that the development of e-commerce in the conditions of digital transformation of business has the following problems: low standard of living and insolvency of the population; weak development of the national economy; low level of development and implementation of information and intellectual technologies, computer skills of the population; significant difference in the level of computerization of large cities and regions of the country; low level of security and fraud protection; consumer mistrust of e-commerce; a large number of non-professionals among e-commerce companies. Directions for solving e-commerce problems are recommended. For successful long-term functioning on the Internet, every business must take into account the trends of the development of e-commerce, it is important to prevent emerging problems: ensuring data security, uniformity of communication channels with potential customers and low conversion rate. Only those entrepreneurs who can develop and implement effective strategies to overcome the challenges in their business will be able to take full advantage of e-commerce.
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