Keywords: financial security of the enterprise, financial security of the state, profitability, liquidity, discriminant analysis, internal audit


The article examines topical issues of diagnosis and ensuring the financial security of the enterprise. The approaches of domestic scientists to the definition of the essence of this concept were analyzed, the mechanism of mutual influence of the financial systems of the enterprise and the state was characterized. It is recommended to analyze the financial condition and determine the probability of bankruptcy in order to diagnose the financial security of the enterprise. It was concluded that the most appropriate methodical technique for diagnosing the financial security of the enterprise is the use of an integral indicator calculated using discriminant analysis. The composition of the information on the activities of domestic enterprises, provided on the official website of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, which allows for diagnostics of the financial security of economic entities, is characterized. The analysis of statistical data on the level of operational profitability of the entire population of Ukrainian enterprises was carried out. A conclusion was made about the low value of this indicator for the period 2012-2021. It was found out that in 2021, enterprises of passenger air transport, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, production of baby food, wholesale trade of metals had a high profitability of operational activities; This year, economic entities in the mining industry, weaving industry, and enterprises engaged in publishing activities were unprofitable. To permanently ensure financial security at large enterprises, it is proposed to implement a financial security management system, the basis of which should be the activities of the Internal Audit Service. The composition of the information support for the functioning of the enterprise's financial security management system has been determined. A conclusion was made about the need to improve the quality of information used for making management decisions; increasing management's ability to predict and quickly respond to the emergence of crisis phenomena; improving the quality of collective decisions regarding the choice of ways to increase the financial security of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Novichenko, L., & Svyryda, O. (2023). FINANCIAL SECURITY OF THE ENTERPRISE AS THE BASIS OF FINANCIAL SECURITY OF THE STATE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (4 (04), 27-31.