Keywords: digitization, digital transformation, VIM-technologies, Unified state electronic system in the field of construction, residential real estate, construction business, digital economy


The article is devoted to the study of trends and prospects of enterprises development in the construction industry in the conditions of digital transformation. A brief analysis of the dynamics of the development of the residential real estate market and the performance of construction works by Ukrainian enterprises was carried out, an analysis of the level of digitalization of the construction industry was carried out, the prospects in development of the construction industry were substantiated by improving the tools designed to increase the accuracy of planning construction processes. On the basis of a comparative rating analysis of Ukraine's place among the countries of the world in terms of the level of digitalization of society and economy, it was determined that Ukraine occupies a low ranking position in digital competitiveness compared to developed countries, but belongs to the group promising countries that are characterized by a low level of digitization at the current stage and a tendency to increase the pace of digital development. It has been proven that the use of digitalization in the construction industry allows to accumulate and analyse information about the housing and non-housing stock, the damage caused to it, contributes to the remote, prompt provision of administrative services in the field of construction, and also creates other opportunities for public authorities, legal entities and individuals, allows qualitatively fight corruption and bureaucracy in this area. The use of information technologies in the field of construction becomes a guarantee of transparency in the use of funds, which increases the attractiveness of Ukraine for investors. It is substantiated that the key steps in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine are the implementation of the plan of measures defined in the Concept of Implementation of Building Information Modeling Technologies (BIM-technologies) in Ukraine, created by the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, as well as the implementation of new tools and services of the Unified State Electronic System in the field of construction. The scientific novelty of the results of this study consists in substantiating the prospects for the development of the construction industry for the post-war reconstruction of the economy of Ukraine with the help of digitalization processes.


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How to Cite
Marchenko, O., & Koliadenko, R. (2023). DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS: TRENDS AND PERSPECTIVES. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (4 (04), 20-26.