Keywords: conditions for the development of the digital economy, cyberspace, digital consumers and producers, digital channels, electronic communications marketing


This article presents the results of a study of the current state and directions of development of electronic communications marketing. This problem is new, practically not yet investigated, but modern, so the theme of the article is relevant. The article considers the economic and technological processes of modern times that affect the development of electronic communications marketing: the emergence of digital economy, a significant increase in the importance in the economy and in the life of the state of electronic communications and electronic communications marketing. The paper outlines: the goals and objectives of the marketing of electronic communications in the digital economy; features of the use of digital channels of electronic communications; organization of relationship and interaction between marketing of electronic communications and marketing of digital products, as well as with consumers of digital products and other participants of digital markets. The scheme of the model of the system of mutual links of marketing of electronic communications was developed and presented. The heuristic anaxiomatic approach, which allows us to fully use the creative abilities of the researcher, has been used in the development of the scheme. All organisations in the system are interconnected through digital electronic communications channels. The scheme is a realistic representation of the current relationships of all participants in the system. The main purpose of marketing of electronic communications enterprises is fully consistent with the purpose of traditional marketing: to aim at making profits, which can ensure not only the survival of the enterprise in the market competition, but also its stable development in the long run. During the development of the economy, the orientation of the marketing of electronic communications enterprises (as other areas of the economy) has been continuously changing, adapting to the continuously emerging more powerful technologies, to the changing market conditions, directing the manufacturer to the priorities that are most relevant in a given period.


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How to Cite
Striy, L., & Zakharchenko, L. (2023). MARKETING OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITAL ECONOMY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (4 (04), 9-14.