This article examines the institutional factors of the emergence and spread of corruption in the financial monitoring system and ways to increase the effectiveness of measures to prevent bureaucratic and non-bureaucratic (criminal) corruption. It is shown that the main factors contributing to the emergence and spread of corruption in the financial monitoring system are: the high level of transaction costs of bureaucratic procedures, which is provided for by the current formal rules of financial monitoring and the wide discretionary powers of officials of controlling institutions, which are necessary for the implementation of financial monitoring tasks. These factors are the main reason for the emergence of both bureaucratic and non-bureaucratic corruption in the financial monitoring system. It has been proven that measures to increase the transaction efficiency of formal rules of financial monitoring and formal rules of financial investigations are not promising for preventing the emergence and spread of bureaucratic corruption in the financial monitoring system, which is due to the fundamental impossibility of significantly limiting the existing discretionary powers of officials of the financial monitoring system. In order to prevent bureaucratic corruption in the financial monitoring system, it is proposed to apply the delegation of financial monitoring functions to market participants who are able to implement them with the lowest transaction costs of bureaucratic procedures. It is shown that in the case of non-bureaucratic corruption, the choice of measures for the prevention of corruption depends on the type of direct activity chosen by the client. In the case that the client chooses a type of activity that is not prohibited by current legislation, in order to prevent the spread of non-bureaucratic corruption in the financial monitoring system, the delegation of financial monitoring functions to market participants who are able to implement them with the least transaction costs of bureaucratic procedures should be applied, similarly to the case of bureaucratic corruption. In the case that the client chooses a type of activity prohibited by current legislation, in order to prevent the spread of non-bureaucratic corruption, preference should be given to repressive anti-corruption measures.
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