The payment segment has become one of the main areas of development of innovative financial technologies. The article aims to determine the characteristic features of conducting business activities in the conditions of digital transformation of the economy and to identify the advantages and risks of using digital payment technologies in financial transactions of business structures. Digital transformation of the payment sector involves using the latest technologies and developing qualitatively new approaches to the information interaction of providers and users of payment instruments. The positive aspects of such a transformation are the development of innovations in the financial market and an increase in its transparency, the expansion of access to financial instruments, the reduction of transaction costs, and the improvement of the efficiency of the interaction of intermediaries and business activities in general. We identified several risks of developing digital platforms in the financial market, including the risk of monopolization of digital platforms, regulatory risk, and loss of personal data or unauthorized access. In our opinion, the expansion of the scope of application of digital payment instruments is connected with psychological factors, in particular with the trust of users both in the providers of digital financial services and in general in the infrastructure of the market, inflationary expectations, etc. The deterioration of the economy caused by the war harms the payment infrastructure, which is associated with a decrease in trust in financial instruments and an outflow of funds to the cash segment. However, the crisis stimulates payment service providers to search for new innovative solutions relevant to modern conditions. We believe that the role of digital payment technologies in business structures will increase in the future, regardless of the potential economic development scenarios. The business’s competitive position in the market will also depend significantly on the degree of adaptation to digital technologies.
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