The task of the research is the development and improvement of methodical approaches to the formation of the management system of the capital structure of the enterprise in the financial management system, taking into account the influence of external factors to ensure stable functioning and sustainable development. The paper proves that an effectively functioning system of managing the capital structure of the enterprise is one of the key factors, as it ensures an increase in the return on equity while simultaneously ensuring the financial stability of the enterprise. The need to study the influence of these factors arises from the impossibility of controlling and managing them on the part of the enterprise. This requires adaptation of the enterprise to adverse conditions and effective use of favorable environmental conditions. It was established that a special element in the management system of the structure of sources of financing of the company's assets is the analysis of the situation on the competitive market. In the work, based on the analysis of the views of scientists regarding the formation of a set of factors of the external environment that affect the process of managing the capital structure of the enterprise, the factors that are characteristic of a separate structural unit are highlighted. To assess the influence of macro-environmental factors, the author proposed the use of factor analysis, which allows to determine stable patterns and substantiate the influence of selected factors on the management system of the capital structure of the enterprise. The results of the analysis showed the need to take into account the formed factors when developing management decisions regarding the formation of the optimal capital structure of the enterprise. This is one of the main criteria for the quality of management and the effectiveness of its activities and depends on the financial condition of the business entity. That is why there is an objective need to modernize the capital structure of Ukrainian enterprises in order to increase their competitiveness on the financial, resource and commodity markets.
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