Keywords: regulation, fishery, licensing, aquaculture, agrarian policy, industry, development


The article deals with basic approaches to regulating activities in fisheries, in particular the aquaculture sector through licensing. The influence of methods of direct sectoral regulation in the context of direct intervention of the state in the economic processes and in the economic activity of economic entities has been conducted. This block of regulation tools is proposed to include strategic goals of economic development, providing targeted subsidies, and setting and limiting prices, setting quotas for production, targeted financing, licensing. Applied proposals for implementation and improvement of the licensing procedure of aquaculture sector are proposed. Licensing is considered from the standpoint of regulation aimed at ensuring the economic and social interests of the state and society in the system of choosing the direction of agrarian and economic sectoral policy. It is stated that the direct methods of state regulation are not related to the creation of any additional material incentives and have the force of state power as a basis and require the improvement of the adaptation process at the level of the national economy. The procedure of separation of a separate article with the name "Basic principles of aquaculture" is revealed. Supplements to the Laws of Ukraine "On Aquaculture" of September 18, 2012 No. 5293-VI and "On Licensing of Business Activities" are proposed, where it is possible to predict that aquaculture is possible only in the presence of a license and to consolidate the obligation of vocational education at the license. Comprehensive proposals for regulating the activities of the aquaculture sector by introducing licensing in the system of choice of agrarian and economic sectoral policy in the system of choice. It is concluded that changes in agrarian policy will help improve the factors that will facilitate the implementation and improvement of the licensing procedure as a means of regulating aimed at achieving the security and protection of the economic and social interests of the state, society, as well as the rights and legitimate interests of people, human health, environmental health safety and environmental protection.


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