The relevance of the topic is explained by the need to research the possibilities of effective use of time as one of the resources of enterprises, which enable them to remain on the market and lead a competitive struggle. At the same time, one cannot ignore the consequences that the irrational time management of employees of economic entities can have for the state of their economic security and its personnel component. The purpose of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the functioning of the organization management system using means and methods of time management and self-management of personnel, which fight against chronophages and procrastination of employees of enterprises.The research methods were: content analysis, monographic and historical methods, thanks to which a theoretical basis was formed for organizing the processes of using time management techniques and personnel self-management in the personnel policy of enterprises. A graphic method was also used to visualize the impact of time management and self-management on the state of personnel security and to concretize place of time management in the management system; and the method of generalization was used for formulating conclusions based on research results. The obtained results consist in providing the characteristics of modern models of effective use of working time, which are used in personal and corporate time management. A positive effect was predicted for the state of personnel security of the enterprise, taking into account the problems of implementing the principles of time management. It is proposed to fix time management methods in enterprises personnel policies in order to eliminate those threats to personnel safety, which are caused by procrastination of employees. The necessity of prioritizing tasks according to the Eisenhower method and using clear deadlines when setting tasks is indicated. High-quality work of personnel management managers is a guarantee of the economic success of the business entity. The practical value of the research lies in the possibility of using its results to improve the content of the personnel policy of a modern enterprise.
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