• Oleksii Zoria Poltava State Agrarian University
  • Svitlana Zoria Poltava State Agrarian University
  • Diana Mauer Poltava State Agrarian University
Keywords: insurance, food security, food risks, hunger, agriculture, government support


The article discusses the problems of food security, which exacerbate acute hunger in the world. The factors influencing the growth of risks related to hunger are identified, the impact of natural and climatic conditions and the consequences of the long-term war between the leaders among the exporters of the main food crops are directly characterized, in particular, the rise in world prices, inflation, and the decrease in access to food in countries that import agricultural products from of Ukraine. Based on FAO data, the estimated impact of the war in Ukraine on the number of undernourished people in the world in 2022 is demonstrated. It is noted that during the war, Ukraine lost about 20% of the sown area. Analysis of the data of the UN World Food Program shows that at the beginning of 2022, about 276 million people suffered from hunger on the planet. If the war in Ukraine continues, this number may increase by another 47 million. This complex socio-political situation affected 25% of the world grain trade and caused the rise of world prices, inflation and reduced access to food in countries that import agricultural products from Ukraine. The need for the development of agricultural risk insurance, through the development of legislation on the mandatory insurance of catastrophic risks in the agricultural sector, is substantiated. The current state of voluntary insurance of agricultural products in comparison with other types of voluntary insurance was analyzed, during which a rather low level of agricultural insurance in the country was revealed. Insurance of agricultural risks requires state regulation, support, creation of appropriate legislation and control bodies. It is also necessary to create a state insurer with regional divisions to insure catastrophic risks. The mandatory form of insurance should guarantee real insurance protection in cases of catastrophic risks, strengthen the transparency of the risk insurance system, ensure the targeted use of state funds to support agricultural insurance, and raise the level of insurance culture of commodity producers and the population as a whole. To ensure food security in Ukraine and the world, the priority areas of development, financing and investment should be innovations in the fields of agriculture related to the collection, processing and long-term storage of food, agricultural education and science.


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How to Cite
Zoria, O., Zoria, S., & Mauer, D. (2022). THE ROLE OF INSURANCE IN THE FOOD AND ECONOMIC SECURITY SYSTEM DURING THE PERIOD OF MARITAL STATE IN UKRAINE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (3 (03), 36-40.