Keywords: transaction costs, discretionary powers, institutional reforms, semi-formal rules, dynamics of effectiveness of formal rules


The article considers the consequences of the spread of the practice of introducing semi-formal rules for the dynamics of the effectiveness of formal rules, and also suggests measures to prevent the occurrence and spread of this phenomenon. It was found that the main reason for the emergence and spread of semi-formal rules is the presence of the official with wide discretionary powers, which are provided for by the current formal rules. It is shown that the formation of semi-formal rules is accompanied by the emergence of two effects: static and dynamic effects of semi-formal rules. The static effect of the formation of semi-formal rules, which is the reason for the drop in the current effectiveness of the current formal rules, is due to a decrease in the level of transaction costs of the abuse of discretionary powers, as a result of the introduction of semi-formal rules. The dynamic effect of semi-formal rules arises due to the ability of semi-formal rules to form a positive feedback relationship between the prevalence of abuse of discretionary powers and the level of transaction costs of their abuse and is one of the reasons for the negative dynamics of current formal rules. It has been proven that reforming the current formal rules in order to limit the available discretionary powers of the official, as a measure to prevent the emergence and spread of semi-formal rules, is impractical, because despite the ability to eliminate the root cause of the emergence and spread of semi-formal rules – the high level of discretionary powers of the official – the implementation of this measure is accompanied by the increase in the level of transaction costs, the adoption of reformed formal rules and the inability of the bureaucratic system to adapt to unforeseen situations. In order to prevent the emergence and spread of semiformal rules, the use of measures to restore the efficiency of market mechanisms, or their imitation, is proposed. The proposed measures are aimed at increasing the level of transaction costs of abuse of discretionary powers and do not have a negative impact on the ability of the bureaucratic system to adapt to unforeseen situations.


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How to Cite
Abramov, F. (2022). SEMI-FORMAL RULES AS A FACTOR OF THE DYNAMICS OF THE EFFICIENCY OF FORMAL RULES. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (3 (03), 26-30.