The relevance of the topic is the need for understanding the mechanisms of transition of the national economic system from the model of the brown economy to the model of the green economy, which are unique for each country. The author has used such research methods as historical method, method of comparison, generalization method. As a result, the author identifies the factors influencing the differentiation between national models of building a green economy. The comparative characteristics of the main national models of the green economy of the countries of the world have been given. The author's list of the main such strategies has been proposed. The author highlights the important features inherent in the traditional model of the green economy and identifies the main countries implementing such a model. The article identifies the leading trend of the "greening" of national economies in recent decades - dematerialization - which proves their transition from a traditional to a more developed "transitional" one. The main features of this model have been defined. Characterizing the planned model of the green economy, the author emphasizes that it has become the most widespread in countries with a catch-up type of economic development. The main basic elements of this model have been defined in the article. Among others, the author has proposed to single out the administrative model. The article emphasizes that it was most widespread in states with developed traditions of strict administrative restrictions on economic activity and identifies its main features. The author emphasizes that the next, market model, reflects the existing inter-country and inter-regional differentiations and has become the most widespread in the OECD countries. The article defines the key distinctive characteristics of this model. In the end, the author emphasizes the main defining features of the idealistic model of building a green economy. The practical value of the article lies in the justification, based on the learnt experience of various countries of the world, the effective mechanisms for developing the green economy in Ukraine.
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