Ключові слова: глобалізація, економічні процеси, споживча вартість, конкуренція, ланцюги постачання


The article describes the approach to the design of global value chains and defines the role and place of these formations through the prism of objective globalization trends. It is illustrated that the reformatting of atomized economic relations into an effectively organized value chain is based on a rather long historical perspective. It was determined that the sources of the concept of the global value chain as a toolkit aimed at understanding economic processes are the works of primarily American scientists. It has been proven that the trends and effects of the global integration process are determined by the technical, technological, and marketing characteristics of certain industries. They are also determined by the market practices of leading firms and the social/institutional characteristics of the external environment in which this value chain exists.


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Переглядів статті: 137
Завантажень PDF: 78
Як цитувати
Гірна, О., & Глинський, Н. (2022). ЕКОНОМІЧНИЙ ВИМІР ГЛОБАЛІЗАЦІЇ: ДЕТЕРМІНАНТИ СТВОРЕННЯ СПОЖИВЧОЇ ДОДАНОЇ ВАРТОСТІ. Цифрова економіка та економічна безпека, (3 (03), 31-35. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.3-6