Ключові слова: code of ethics, international business, hospitality, tourism, regulations, culture


Ethics is the product of an international market, in which hospitality companies have understood their role in society and learned to communicate and make communication a profit tool. In the activity of an organisation, ethics can be found in the form of decision-making tools, tools for diagnosing and solving ethical conflicts, value systems that define organizational culture, ethical codes, principles underlying marketing communication strategies, etc. The reality in the field of hospitability activities shows that many organizations do not act from the perspective of ethical management. At the base of their business activity are other concepts, some of which involve processes that contradict the requirements of ethics. The open international market does not always offer acceptable solutions in terms of promoting ethical and socially responsible actions. That is why managers should ask themselves whether their decisions can be considered "right", "correct" or "fair". This question and these "attributes" are becoming more and more important for future management development. Currently, society becomes more complex, the economy is more competitive, and technology is more advanced. That is why this question becomes particularly relevant in the field of hospitability business, whose decisions can affect a large number of people so that their effects often could get out of control, which in the current crisis take on new connotations and dimensions. The relevance of the researched topic is beyond doubt since the role of ethics is undeniably important in the day-by-day business environment, and often consumers pay attention to the company’s “honesty” or its ethical behaviour which, respects its consumers, partners, and the whole society. For this purpose, the article provides an understanding of the importance of the code of ethics in doing business internationally.


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Переглядів статті: 221
Завантажень PDF: 173
Як цитувати
Călugăreanu, I., & Antoci, N. (2022). THE IMPORTANCE OF AN INTERNATIONAL HOSPITALITY BUSINESS CODE OF ETHICS. Цифрова економіка та економічна безпека, (2 (02), 27-32.